Achieve competitive, balanced frequency response for your music – on any playback system

Unlock your 'Instinct for EQ' 

EQ: the simple secret of mastering success

Do you want your music masters to sound fantastic compared to all your favourite artists and releases ?

Forget all the fancy plugins, gear and tricks you’ve seen people talking about – EQ is the real key to mastering.

If the the overall EQ and level of your song are right, you’ll be in better shape than almost every other home studio recording out there – and probably a good many professional productions too, these days !

If you want:


  • Deep, punchy bass

    Without sounding boomy

  • Clear, open highs

    Without sounding brittle

  • Full, rich mixes

    But not muddy, or cluttered

  • Lively, exciting mid-range

    Without being harsh

  • Perfectly balanced sound

    Translates to any playback system

…then an instinct for EQ is all you need.


And EQ expertise is accessible to anyone.

Sounds simple, right ? Well, it is – but getting there can be harder than it sounds.

The good news is, I know I can help.

Who Am I?

My name is Ian Shepherd – I’ve been a mastering engineer for over 25 years and I run the Production Advice website and The Mastering Show podcast. 

And I used to struggle with EQ, too !

People often ask me during attended mastering sessions why I make the decisions I do, and how I make the right choices. And I used to reply – “It’s an instinct – I just know”. I’ve been mastering for so long now that choosing EQ settings has become almost like second nature to me.


Since starting the Home Mastering Masterclass course, I’ve come to realise that it’s not quite that simple.

I’ve always had an instinct for EQ – but I had to LEARN how to achieve my goals

Thinking back, I’ve remembered all the training and help I had when I was getting started. And, I’ve gained extra clarity on the things I’ve learned to do myself – the way I think about EQ, the way I listen and the way I make my choices when I’m mastering.

And that’s why I created Home Mastering EQ – to give YOU those same skills

Get started now !

Unlock your
instinct for EQ 

What is it ?


Home Mastering EQ is a “deep dive” into using EQ in mastering.

Almost 5 hours of HD videos using a varied set of musical examples, entirely focused on EQ, EQ and only EQ


You'll find out:


  • The crucial step you must take

    Before using any EQ

  • The difference between EQ balance and EQ matching

    And why it matters

  • Why analogue and digital EQs are different

    And when to use them

  • How to “speak EQ”

    Using keywords to remember how different frequencies sound

  • How to understand the way EQ makes you feel

    And translate it into knowing what your music needs

What's included


The videos are designed to be watched in order, introducing new ideas, techniques and methods at every stage. Here are some examples:

Video 1 - Introduction

  • The goal of EQ in mastering
  • A simple rule of thumb that will help you decide what your music should sound like
  • The ten key "pivot" frequencies you should work with first
  • How to decide if you should boost or cut

Video 2 - Bass

  • The difference between "punch" and "thump"
  • How EQ affects our perception of the mix - and how it depends on the mix
  • How to instantly choose the right place to boost the bass - almost every time

Video 3 - Mid-range

  • How "Q" values need to change for a natural sound at any frequency
  • How to get a ringing, energetic strumming quality from the guitars
  • The real secret of "analogue warmth"

Video 4 - Top

  • The dangers of adding top end
  • How to decide between "shelf" or "bell" EQ
  • How hearing too much can tell you what's missing

Video 5 - Techniques

  • Using "mid-side" EQ
  • The dangers of "frequency sculpting"
  • When boosting and cutting at the same time is a worthwhile exercise
  • How to use your "muscle memory" to help remember the right EQ

Immediate Download


Home Mastering EQ is a 5-hour video deep dive into using EQ in mastering

Unlock your
EQ Instinct

Success stories


Just saying: this is fun!

Fun to train my ears, fun to listen to your very good videos (they are packed with useful info, not babble!)

I’m learning, and I’m enjoying the ride ;)


How I mix and think about mixing have changed dramatically thanks to Ian.

I expected to learn, but not to this degree.

One of the best investments in training I have made to date


I would like to say a huge “Thank You” to Ian for taking so much care over your videos.

I’ve watched a lot of production videos over the last few months and yours have been the best made, and the clearest, often by a very long way.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Home Mastering EQ


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  • 5 in-depth videos
  • Unlimited Lifetime Access
  • FREE future course updates
  • Stream all course videos from any Mac & PC, or on mobile with the Kajabi App for iOS and Android
Unlock your
instinct for EQ

Full 60-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

I've had such a great reaction to these videos from everyone who has seen them, I'm certain you'll find them useful too. I want you to be completely happy though, so if you're not satisfied for any reason, just contact me within 60 days for a full refund, no questions asked - and the videos are yours to keep.

Try Now

László Gálosi

Ian, the Home Mastering EQ series as just as awesome, and useful and thorough, as everything you put out!

PS. Putting these videos together was hard !

I really had to dig deep to figure out how I think about EQ, how I listen, and how to translate that into examples and techniques that would help you do the same thing.

But I think because it was so hard to puzzle out, the end result was really effective training for you. And the feedback I'm getting is that people agree. Give it a try yourself and let me know if it works for you ?

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